Essential Oils for the Brain

April 26, 2019

Essential Oil benefits for the brain:

Healthy brain function, mood balancing, brain protection, penetrates cellular membrane, able to surpass blood-brain barrier, increase concentration and memory function, supports dendritic growth and function.

For Optimal Healthy Brain Function:

Use Frankincense daily 3-5 times a day.

Apply oils on occipital points and head. Inhale and diffuse oils ALL DAY with diffusers and jewellery.

Adults: Take Lifelong Vitality Supplements and PB Assist (Probiotics) twice a day.

Children: Take A2Z Chewable Multivitamins, IQMega and PB Assist Jnr daily. Dilute oils 1:10 for children under 3, 1:8 for children aged 3-6 and 1:6 aged 6-12 with fractionated coconut oil.

Application Methods:

Inhaling oils through the nose (olfactory system) is the fastest way to the brain! After inhalation, the oils will have entered the bloodstream and respiratory tract within seconds! Then in approximately 2 minutes, it will have serviced every cell in your body!

Diffuse oils constantly, use for benefits such as mood balancing, entering the bloodstream through the respiratory tract by smelling, influence messages to the brain, increases oxygen absorption, influence brain to release emotions.

Apply topically every few hours on occipital/reflexology points for benefits such as increase circulation and oxygen into the cells and penetrate tissue to aid in repair at a cellular level.

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