What’s the meaning behind Hives?

July 12, 2018

Miss 5 woke up this morning really upset because her legs were unbearably itchy.  I was so shocked because the back of her legs had hives!  It looked like a scatter of misshapen mosquito bites all over the back of both legs.  Really red and uncomfortable looking.  My poor girl!  She has had this once before, so I knew just what to do!

Most people say, it’s an allergic reaction to something you ate, or touched, but I had a feeling it was a reaction to a strong emotion she had yesterday.  I looked up the feelings related to hives and here’s what it says (Feelings Buried Alive book by Karol Truman):

  • Small hidden fears
  • Fears that are finally surfacing
  • Feeling mistreated
  • Inability to view things with the correct perspective
  • Anger-perceiving someone has inflexible behaviour
  • Wanting to protest but can’t

The last one seemed to stand out for me because last night we argued about me not allowing her to do something she wanted to do.  She tends to get upset and bottles it up inside.  Then I thought, there must be something about why she got hives just on her legs only.  Legs are about moving forward and fears of the future.

I discussed with her that she is allowed to talk about her opinions and how she needs to explain her wishes, instead of feeling helpless and upset inside.  I asked if she was worried about something for when she grows up and she said yes.  She was worried about me and her daddy getting old and dying leaving her behind to look after her little sister.  She watched some show about orphans that must have scared her! I talked about all her concerns until she felt happy and secure.  I’m just glad I’m able to be there for her emotionally and address these issues.  

So physically, this is what I used on her legs and soles of feet:

  • Peppermint Oil diluted with F.Coconut oil to sooth and cool the itch and redness. (1:6)
  • Lavender Oil diluted with F.Coconut oil to calm the reaction and promote healing (1:4)
  • Lemon Oil diluted with F.Coconut Oil to cleanse toxins in her body (1:8)

I used diluted Lavender oil all over her body and feet.  I asked her not to scratch (as it will spread) and to try not to get irritated, frustrated and upset as it will make her more itchy.  She did as I asked and we just got home at night rom being out all day and I was ready to apply some more oils on her, but it VANISHED.  Like it was never even there in the first place!  Unbelievable!  The last time it happened, it lasted for more than a week!  So glad I’m prepared this time!  For me, it’s not just about managing symptoms, but finding the root cause and addressing the why it happened in the first place!  Miss 5 is super happy and not itchy anymore!


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