Power of Positivity: See how it will change your life.

April 24, 2017

So I’d been feeling really unmotivated lately.  The chores were still piled up, the kids still needed to be glued to me, people to be fed including myself and my days go on and on like this.  Sure, be positive I think to myself.  But somehow, I wasn’t as happy as I could’ve been.  It’s like I was playing the waiting game.

One day, my friend whom I haven’t spoken to for a while contacts me. She tells me that her “issues” have gone away, for the most part.  And that she’s happy!  I was so surprised as she had been complaining about so many things in her life that wasn’t going well.  So I asked her what happened.  She told me this book she read had changed her life. In short, she told me she did these few things daily:
1. Write down at least three things she was grateful for every morning.
2. Complaining is forbidden.
3. Write down at least three things she was grateful for every night.

She said amazingly when she stopped complaining, she was able to let go of blame and the negative energy it brings. Things started to go well for her and even got a job she manifested.

I decided I’d give that a try even though I didn’t read the book.  Do you know how difficult it was and is to stop complaining?!!  It’s amazing how many negative thoughts I had whether it was said aloud or not.  Sometimes I was speechless because I didn’t know what to say or had to rethink how to say something without complaining.  We’ve all heard of positive affirmations and such.  Sometimes it seems to work and other times not.  I believe we cancel all that positivity when we insert our negativity.  It was a struggle within myself and I had to stop myself from getting angry at my kids for example, and tell myself what I’m grateful for instead.

I felt something shift within me.  I can’t describe it.  Suddenly I had so much energy, motivation and determination.  It happened in less than a week.  I stopped complaining inside my head, and just did it.

The lights in my house had been broken for months and it’s been an eyesore that I keep grumbling about inside my head wondering why my husband hadn’t done anything about it. (Special LED down lights) With my kids in tow I dragged them to a lighting store and was determined that if those special lights weren’t available, I’d make them order it somehow!  Luckily for me they had different ones that fits and I bought 15 of them.  I was so happy and I couldn’t believe something like that had brought me misery.  I brought it home determined to change it that night but when my husband came home he happily changed all the lights.
A small example, but my house became orderly, clean and fixed. Makes me a happy woman.

I thought this is great!  More and more things are going well for me. Maybe I can get my kids to behave with me because you know they’re on their best behaviour with everyone else!  I’m working on my positivity with them and surprise surprise they were angels for me yesterday!  I was thanked 10 times by my 3 year old for making her food and getting her drinks.  Asked me politely for help instead of demanding it.  Ok now to keep it up!! Haha I can do it!!

I can’t wait to see what else will shift for me.

P.S. For all the oil lovers out there, I diffused these oils to help keep us positive:

Elevation (Joyful Blend)- for happiness

Wild Orange- for abundance and motivation

Lemongrass- to dispel negative energy and thoughts

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