Calm Your Panicked & Anxious Feelings

August 13, 2018

Panic Attacks

Most people don’t talk about having panic attacks or feelings of anxiety. Though it seems quite common these days. I’m sitting here waiting for my Mum to go in for her eye surgery and I can see all the signs of stress, anxiety and fear. Thankfully she doesn’t get panic attacks anymore. 

If you’re going to the toilet a lot before some kind of event, most likely your bladder is acting up due to fear. Bladder and stomach is place where fear tends to reside. 

It’s important that I’m here for her. Everyone needs to feel loved and cared for when they’re unwell in some way. 

Although, some people feel anxious and panic even when there isn’t an obvious trigger too. 

Having a healthy gut, can help you have happier and balanced emotions. Then self-awareness is important to figuring out  out why you feel that way. You can rewire your brains and make new connections by inhaling and diffusing essential oils to calm the mind. Smelling the oils can help your body produce happy and calming messages.

These are my recommendations:

•Lavender or Lavender Peace (Serenity): for calming.

•Wild Orange: great for the heart, calming, cleansing and motivating. 

•PastTense: Relaxing, ease tension. 

•Peace Reassuring Blend: Feeling peaceful and reassured. 

•Balance Grounding Blend: For quietening the mind and being present and balanced. 

•Console Comforting Blend: To feel comforted, safe, for feelings of scared, worry and sadness. 

•Easy Air (breathe): apply on the chest for ease of breathing. 


Diffuse oils often. Not just in emergencies. Create a calming environment for yourself daily and change your associations to fear. Use diffusers in your home, car, wear diffuser jewellery or just apply on your chest and heart 💓 



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