Emotional & Psychological Support Handout

October 26, 2018

Emotional & Psychological Support Handout

It’s not uncommon for us to suffer from various types of emotional/psychological issues.  However, emotional education seems, rather, non-existent in the duration of your life!  What are these feelings we have, and how can we help ourselves?  Not very many people know the answers to that, and generally give that responsibility to doctors and therapists.


Tips for Emotional Balance:

  1. Be self-aware.
  2. Have positive self-talk, and eliminate negative talk.
  3. Take full responsibility for your life. This is includes eliminating blaming, complaining and comparing.
  4. Practice gratitude.  Only when we are grateful, we can see the positives in our lives.
  5. Improve your physical health.  Whatever direction you take as long as it’s healthy for you.  Such as exercising, taking the Lifelong Vitality Supplements, applying/drinking essential oils,  eating whole foods, reducing processed food and unhealthy drinks.
  6. Diffuse diffuse diffuse oils!!!  It enters your brains in seconds and helps re-condition your brains/thoughts to positive thinking while cleansing the negative.  I diffuse everywhere I go!  I use my diffuser whenever I’m at home, when I’m sleeping, use diffuser jewellery when I’m out, use my Iris car diffuser while driving and apply oils on my clothes (if it won’t stain) and chest.


Print from PDF here.


Recommended Application:

If you tend to be on an emotional rollercoaster, this may mean a few things.  It could be that your gut need cleansing as it is like your second brain, with more neurotransmitters than your actual brain!  If your gut is unhealthy, it’ll create brain fog and emotional imbalance.  It could be that your brain which is mostly made out of fats, isn’t receiving enough good fats for it to function optimally.  By taking the xeOmega (in the LifeLong Vitality Pack) daily, it will help you have enough “engine oil” for your brain, joints and skin.  Lastly, it could mean your hormones are imbalanced and out of whack! Pair ClaryCalm blend (on lower abs and ankles) with Phytoestrogen complex supplement to balance out your hormones.  Perhaps consider, it may be a mixture of all the above.

Basics:  Take Lifelong Vitality Supplements Daily and take a few drops of Frankincense, apply a few drops under the feet, back of neck and forehead daily.

Apply: 1-2 drops over the heart every 3-4 hours.  (Take care that some oils may be spicy and citrus oils with the exception of green mandarin are sun sensitive for the skin).

Diffuse: You can diffuse oils all day long! Usually about 1 drop per hour in a diffuser.  i.e if you’re going to run your diffuser all night, say for 10 hours, then your can put in 10 drops.

You will get the most benefits from regular and consistent use.  Oils aren’t magic pills.  They will enter the body and leave the body within a few hours (unlike synthetic meds). Like anything healthy, a little bit, but often, works best!



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