Feeling Crappy

December 7, 2017

I never completely understood the feelings that came like a dark storm. It’s like a dead gloomy day inside you, dragging some dead weight along. Lots of things distract you from truly facing your own demons. Perhaps responsibilities you have, keeping busy at work/with your children, sleeping a lot or wanting to. Some people feel yuck for a short time and others chronically. This can come in many many forms: crying, depression, anxiety, anger, short tempered, sadness, low energy, unmotivated etc. Whatever the reason for feeling crappy, it’s actually really REALLY hard to pick yourself up.

Today I’m going to start small. I’m going to practice GRATITUDE. List a few things I’m grateful for first thing in the morning and before bed. Grateful for the big and small things in my life and focus on the positives. Like today, I’m so so blessed to be able to call my mum and hang out like bffs. So grateful to have her and a beautiful reciprocating relationship.

Next, stop complaining about anything. The more negativity we focus on, the more it grows! How hard can that be? 😝

Lastly, my oil tips: Frankincense is the foundation for all emotional balancing. It penetrates through the blood brain barrier and helps your brains feel happier. Diffuse to enhance your mood. Apply on forehead, back of neck and bottoms of feet. Then apply with Spikenard oil which is the oil of gratitude 🙏🏼. Diffuse Spikenard to help with feelings of gratitude.

Join me and practice gratitude together!



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