Natural Remedies: Why go natural?

March 20, 2017

Natural Remedies? What’s this hooha you say?!  It’s called essential oils.

I grew up just like most people in western countries.  We’d go to see the doctors when we’d get sick and take the prescribed medicine without question.  I popped painkillers whenever I had a headache.  A pill for an ill.  I scoffed at others whenever they mention natural remedies like that’s soooo old school and uneducated.  Like thousands of years of ancient practice did not compare to recent science.

I didn’t realise that all the side effects outweighs the relief drugs provided.  Drugs are synthetically made usually to mask the problem.  So usually it will give you short term relief in exchange for long term pain.  Since its synthetic, it’s hard for your body to get rid of it.  And because it masks the real issue, the underlying problems get ignored instead of fixed.

I was introduced to essential oils by my sister, someone with credibility and a person I trust.  It was the strangest concept to me to use oils derived from nature.  They are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG) oils.  Not just any old essential oil brand.  They’re ones with the highest potency and so pure that some can be taken internally!  These plant extracts are 50-70 times more powerful than herbs.  The oils are carbon based, and we are carbon based, so naturally our body knows what to do with it!

It’s been 6 years since I started using essential oils and it has changed my outlook in health for myself and my whole family.  I feel empowered that I can help my family when they’re sick or are uncomfortable.  I was happy that I could use oils safely during my pregnancies and labours.  It’s safe for my baby, my little girl and my big husband : )  I can’t really say the same for drugs!

I’m happy to help anyone that’s also open to learning more about natural remedies.  I will be posting about more specific uses soon so please be patient with me!  Just comment or PM me on Facebook (@jamieta34) if you want more information.