Pink Pepper: The Oil of Intrinsic Equality

January 25, 2019

If you have the case of the FOMOs (Fear Of Missing Out) or the Comparison Bug, then Pink Pepper is the perfect oil for you!

FOMOs: The fear of missing out, is an anxiety of being excluded. You strive to be the same or have the same things as others around you. By having this fear, it shows that deep down, you don’t feel equal to others and possibly have low self worth. At least, in that area.

Comparison Bug: Ofttimes, low self-worth, the need to be validated by others, feeling not good enough, is due to the fact that you have the habit of comparing yourself to others. When you compare yourself to another, you tend to be judgmental, analyse everything about others, then feel like everyone will be judging you. But really, the most critical and most damaging person to you, is yourself. Because the only true opinion of yourself that really matters, is your own.

When other peoples’ comments hurt your feelings, it’s easy to blame them for being mean and looking down on you. However, you wouldn’t have been hurt, if you didn’t actually believe it yourself, now would you? Though you could fight tooth and nail to make them see otherwise, because you don’t want anyone to think badly of you.

For example, if you believe you are beautiful, then someone comes along and says you look unattractive. How would you react? I would say, good for you! You must feel the need to say negative things to make yourself feel better. Haha. Would I feel less beautiful? No. Why? Because I had already made up my mind and have no need to change my opinion because of some twat. However, if I believed that I am somewhat unattractive, then hear those words, it would automatically confirm my deep beliefs that I truly am unattractive. Therefore, I would take it out on the person who said it because they “made” me feel bad about myself. Though truly it would be me who had already believed so.

My kids often fight about fairness and constantly feel upset because of comparison to one another. So, when I found out about Pink Pepper, I was in love!

Pink Pepper Uses:


  • Exposes the tendency of people comparing themselves to others
  • Reduces the need of judgement of themselves and others
  • Reduced the need to use a measuring stick of self-worth
  • Recognises the tendency to over-inflate self at the expense of others
  • Realise that the antidote to insecurity-based behaviours is self-love and compassion
  • Reduces comparing, feelings of judgemental, unequal and distorted view of self.


  • Cleansing to the body and gut
  • Cellular repair for things such as growths, breast tissue and other organs.
  • Reduces feelings of addictions
  • Reduces discomforts due to inflammations
  • Great for digestion, occasional nausea and loss of appetite
  • Womens health- hormone balance, menstruation aches and breast health
  • Respiratory support- for easier breathing and healthier lungs
  • Great for circulation and cardiovascular systems.


For emotions and mood management- Diffuse consistently. 1-2 drops per hour in a diffuser or on a diffuser jewellery.

For physical discomforts-  Apply 1-2 drops on location every 2-3 hours until discomfort reduces.

For internal organs- Take 1-2 drops daily in water or a capsule 3-4 times a day. Oil can be a bit spicy, so I would recommend the capsule.


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