Sports Injuries and Muscle Pain

April 13, 2017

If you’re wondering who this big hairy male model wearing pjs is featured above, he is my husband Stephen.  He is a sports fanatic, basketball obsessed, football critic, LeBron James lover and a Hyde Park trainer rain hail or shine!

Stephen is an active guy who exercises during lunch and gives 110% during his weekly basketball competitions and training sessions.  As he is no longer a spring chicken haha, he takes good care of his body to prevent injury and pain.

Stephen and his team mates love love Deep Blue/Ice Blue Oil Blend. It not only helps with sports and muscle pain relief but also for accidents like when he broke his finger or he dropped something on his toe : )  It is natures’ powerful pain reliever without all the nasty side effects! It also reduces inflammation and prevents bruising.

His injury prevention routine goes a little something like this:

  • After his games, he applies Deep Blue Oil Blend (Ice Blue in Australia) on his joints such as knees and ankles.
  • Ices his joints such as knees and ankles.
  • Applies Deep Blue Oil Blend on aching muscles then takes a shower.
  • After his shower he applies Deep Blue Rub (cream) on his aches and pains.
  • Takes his Life Long Vitality vitamins to help reduce inflammation and overall health.
  • Sometimes takes Deep Blue Polyphenol Complex capsules if his muscles are too sore, tense or in pain.
  • Rubs Lavender oil on his stomach and bottoms of feet to relax before bed if his adrenaline is too high.

The reason why he applies oils before he showers, is because water drives the oils in.  It feels like the oil strength is amplified when water is applied with oils.  Then he re-applies Deep Blue Oil on afterwards for a more long lasting affect.

Deep Blue/Ice Blue Blend consists of the following Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade oils:  Wintergreen, Camphor, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Helichrysum, Blue Tansy, Blue Chamomile and Osmanthus.

Deep Blue/Ice Blue Touch is prediluted with fractionated coconut oil and can be used for children. i.e growing pains, bleeding thumb, soreness etc.

I myself love using Deep Blue/Ice Blue Oil Blend when my shoulders are sore, when my back was sore during pregnancy and it was my must have oil during labour pains.

Alternatively, there are other oils that can be used to relieve muscle pains such as: Lemongrass, White Fir, Wintergreen, Peppermint, Marjoram and Aromatouch Massage Blend.

Note: Deep Blue Polyphenol Complex and Deep Blue products are only available for orders from the U.S.  Ice Blue products are from Australia.

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